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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 5:21am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

The war seems to be on honesty or intelligence. The democracy might be saved or destroyed in November, but the gullibility and hypocrisy of the American people has been exposed. Almost half the population of the US is willing to overlook criminal behavior and attacks on democracy as long as they aren't the ones in the cross hairs or the US economy is healthy. Great challenges to the American people like Kennedy's inaugural speech regarding what can they do for their country would fall on ~49% deaf ears. Just contemplate that House GoP members complained that the whistle blower should be exposed, witnesses should be called and the proceedings should echo a trial, but now that the articles are in the Senate and a trial is at hand the GoP wants nothing to do with new evidence or witnesses. Somehow Americans continue to elect politicians that are not good for democracy and that is a problem.
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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 6:08am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I remember when Trump was elected, an American primary teacher over here was in tears. When I asked her why she was crying she said that everything they had been teaching the students about honesty and telling the truth and not stealing was a waste of time since the students would see that not doing these things would allow them to succeed, just like Trump. 

I wonder how the "I'm so innocent, I don't need to allow you access to witnesses and evidence" schtick will play out in Trump Nation. Sadly, I have a good idea. 
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 9:18am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

“President Trump is a man of his word.”

Jesus Christ. Has a bigger lie ever been uttered?

Edited by Brian Miller on 22 January 2020 at 9:19am
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Charles Valderrama
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 1:02pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Trump's lawyers couldn't even get through their opening remarks without telling a pack of lies.

Do they really believe the public won't see through them??

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Eric Lund
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 1:45pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Lies do not matter... There is a "White Man" in the
"White House". His supporters don't care about anything
else... That is what their support for Trump has always
been about.
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Marc Baptiste
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 2:22pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply


I have tried for 3 LONG years to tell myself that such base racism couldn't be the reason... I have stopped trying.

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Koroush Ghazi
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 4:59pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

I wouldn't necessarily attribute it all to racism. More broadly, it's pure self-interest that's the driving motive in my opinion. A large proportion of people want someone who will serve their interests, and they don't care if he's the Devil himself, as long as he's aligned to their causes (the three Gs): God, Guns, and Get the hell out of my country.
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Brian Hague
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 6:02pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

Much of the discourse these days is derailed by people confusing racism with race hatred. Race hatred is definitely racist, but the term Racism itself doesn't necessarily mean lynchings, white robes, and murder in the streets. It's far more prevalent and wide-spread than that. Racism is subtle, insidious, and pervasive. It invades every level of society as assuredly as issues of class, wealth, and poverty do. 

The constant need to discount Racism as a factor in events and to insist, "Well, I've never hanged anyone, so I can't be Racist" or "Britain isn't beating Blacks in the streets*, so our take on Meghan can't be racist" points to how omnipresent and misrepresented racism truly is. Those narrow, defensive rants are, in and of themselves, racist in that they deny the reality of something affecting the lives of countless millions. Racism is vast, and race-hatred, violent and pathetic as it is, is only one component of it.

Someone saying you're racist doesn't mean you're one tiki-torch sale at Wal-Mart from taking to the streets. No one is saying you're personally evil** for having blind spots, but it does mean you need to take a step back and re-evaluate the degree to which race is coloring your thinking and your reactions. Proceeding without doing so is wrong. The racism that lurks in those blind spots is evil, and these defensive, knee-jerk denials only perpetuate it. 

"I don't see color," and "I was raised to see all people as equal," turn up a lot these days in discussions of racism. Don't kid yourself that you're the one guy who's somehow above it all or that your family figured out the secret code to put yourselves past it while the rest of the world languished in ignorance. You're not that hot.

So you're not actively engaged in race hatred. Good for you. Keep that up. Racism itself, however, is too deeply rooted in our culture to pretend that it isn't playing a part in your daily life, whether you see it or not.

There are apparently more tiki-torch asshats walking around than optimistic Whites realized, yes, but racism itself is more than just that. It is multi-dimensional and multi-generational. It works against us all in ways large and small. 

We have a few dimwits on this board who insist their anti-SJW stances against diversity in pop culture are fueled by this niggling bit of reasoning or that, but so what? Maybe that is the line they've sold themselves on why they do what they do. Doesn't matter. The echo chambers they dwell in are run by actual racists, stirring the pot to work these morons into a froth and say things that only racists would say except that, of course, nobody's being racist. They're just... you know... preserving storytelling and don't like being lectured to and stuff like that... White Supremacist dupes, every last one of them. 

Maybe they're not race-haters, but the guys they happily work for are, and they're just too f*cking stupid to see it.

Base racism is everywhere, make no mistake, and its influence upon our daily lives is immense, whether we choose to whistle past the issue or not. The very least we can do is check ourselves to make certain we're not spreading racism by pretending that it would impossible for someone as nice and open-minded as us to do so and to stop giving others credit for maybe not being racist. Everyone is to some degree or another. And more people own it than would ever admit to doing so.

* Actually, it wasn't that long ago that's exactly what was happening, and we were hearing then how pleasant and fair-minded Britishers were. I don't blame Meghan for wanting to get out.

** Although, hell, you might be. I don't know.

Edited by Brian Hague on 22 January 2020 at 6:16pm
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Koroush Ghazi
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 8:39pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Racism is basically anyone who thinks that people are different because of race. That's it. There's no need to get all "racism is a special evil that lurks within our souls" obtuse. There is no such thing as race, it has no basis in genetics, therefore it is a human social construct. E.g., see this National Geographic article. So if you think humans are worse - or better - because of race, you are technically a racist.

 Brian Hague wrote:
We have a few dimwits on this board who insist their anti-SJW stances against diversity in pop culture are fueled by this niggling bit of reasoning or that, but so what?

Excuse me, but what a bloody stupid thing to say, in and of itself! Aside from the passive-aggressive lack of courage to name these "dimwits", there's the sheer "let's tar everyone with the same brush" approach that, ironically, racists use, in terms of stereotyping.

"Fueled by this niggling bit of reasoning or that, but so what?"

The "niggling bit of reasoning" as you call it is possibly a sign that some us choose not to blindly take up sides like sheep. There are some of us, Brian, who, perhaps unlike your own self, consider the stupid things the left do to be almost as troubling as the stupid things the right do.

And let me be even more blunt: anyone who thinks artificial diversity like "all female" remakes, and promoting women and/or "people of colour" to protected species/can-do-no-wrong status is going to end in a positive outcome, is a moron who has not studied history or human nature.

This is why I'm concerned that Trump and his supporters may yet prevail. Because those on the left are actively trying to outstupid those on the right. That's how, instead of experienced, educated, scientists like David Attenborough, the left elevate an attention-seeking 17 year-old high school dropout with aspergers who breathes idealistic platitudes like air.

Yep, the best way to get climate change deniers and governments to act is to yell:

We demand at this year’s World Economic Forum, participants from all companies, banks, institutions and governments:

Immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction.

Immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies.

And immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.

We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030 or even 2021. We want this done now.

So,literally, some stupid little kid is now telling the human race that we have to do the *impossible*, and the left consider this a win. Adios human race. Perhaps we deserve to be destroyed if this is the best we can do in the face of a crisis.
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Matt Reed
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Posted: 22 January 2020 at 11:10pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Wow.  Not really sure what to do with the anti-Greta tirade carried over from one thread to another except to say...sensitive enough?  Jesus Christ.  You had a point in there, somewhere, and then went off the deep end.  I'm sure we'll all come 'round to your way of thinking simply by telling us how stupid you think we all are.  

Bully for you!
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Brian Hague
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Posted: 23 January 2020 at 1:12am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

This forum has a policy against personal attacks, Koroush, so it doesn't do a lot of good to specify exactly which idiots are most central to the issue being discussed, especially when there are often so many. They tend to bleat and cry to the teacher when called out personally. But hey, rest assured, buddy, your moron opinions are unquestionably among the dumbest ones here. 

I just had a whale of a good time writing a multi-paragraph response to your post, but c'mon, this is a thread about the ongoing impeachment of the President and not what a douche you are. So, in brief, no one's listened to David Attenborough in forty years and he and Greta are on the same side anyway. Calm the f*ck down and try not to process the crush you have on her so publicly.*

Diverse casting is a Hollywood trend. Any true student of "history" and "human nature" would recognize that if they had an ounce of intelligence. Clearly, you do not.* 

Like all trends, such as musicals, Blaxploitation, and Ninja films, it will eventually crest, subside, but not disappear entirely, hopefully providing more opportunities for everyone in its wake. Baby shouldn't spit up his food when he gets upset. Calm down, baby.*

An example of cowardice and passive aggression would be stacking action figures in toy aisles. That's on your side of the argument, pal, not mine. 

Racism is regrettably societal and not simply individual, so your definition, like you yourself, is narrow and off-base.

Now, let's all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" as this bloated bag of shit in the White House evades the consequences of his actions once again...

* It's a joke. Stop whining.

Edited by Brian Hague on 23 January 2020 at 1:14am
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James Woodcock
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Posted: 23 January 2020 at 4:24am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

& this was going so well. 

Unbelievable post that one is. Well done on proving everything Brian was saying.
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