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James Johnson
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 4:50am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

You cannot call yourself a Trump supporter and not also be a racist. Trump made that clear last night. 

He gave the go-ahead for us to call all Trump supporters racists. No question about it now. He told the world. 

Edited by James Johnson on 30 September 2020 at 4:57am
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 5:04am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

The white supremacy group has already integrated the phrase, “Stand Back. Stand By” with their organization logo. They have acknowledged Trump’s statement is an indication that they should go out and instigate violence. Expect violence at polling stations on Election Day. I don’t think we need to question Tump supporters on their racist views any longer. Whether they realize it or not they are endorsing a racist agenda. 
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Michael Penn
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 6:02am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Mr. President, are you willing to condemn White Supremacists?

"Chris, how can you ask me, me of all people if I'm willing to condemn White Supremacists? I have Jewish grandchildren. It is fundamentally impossible for me to do anything but condemn those who hate my flesh and blood simply because of who they are. I absolutely condemn White Supremacy. I condemn all racism and hatred."

Oh, Trump didn't say that?

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Vinny Valenti
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 6:41am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

"It used to be that a BIG part of winning a Presidential debate was just to NOT LOSE and to LOOK "Presidential."  That is all Biden had to do and he failed."


That was something that I have to admit that Obama did handily during the '08 debates against McCain, who was flailing around at times, but Obama stayed cool as a cucumber.

I am a bit surprised that Biden was so easily frazzled - he knew damn well that Trump was going to do exactly what he did. We all knew that. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, then.
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Andrew Davey
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 7:22am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

I suspect that all of Trump's talk of not accepting the election results is part of his strategy. He knows there are many charges/cases being ready to be filed against him once his "presidential immunity" has expired. I can see him trying to make a deal. "Yes I know I lost the election but if you want me to concede and not promote chaos you need to give me a get-out-of-jail free card (or equivalent thereof) to go peacefully". Once again holding the country hostage.

I suspect that's what he's trying to engineer. It's all about him (and always has been).
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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 7:28am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

I have decided to vote in person.   I am looking forward to meeting a “Proud Boy” at my precinct here in Detroit.  

Let’s see what they are so proud of.  I’m curious. 😊 


Biden was frazzled because he is a human being.  Nobody with a functioning soul would have been able to stand that close to that fucking animal spewing his bullshit and nonsense and NOT have a visceral reaction.   To expect him to “be cool” is nonsense in and of itself.   I’m not surprised Biden was “frazzled” because we ALL should have been frazzled.    What happened on that stage has NEVER happened before in our history.  However bad Trump was with Hillary in 2016 he was immeasurably worse yesterday.

When Trump yelled out about Hunter Biden’s drug addiction struggles I fucking screamed.  Of all the low, disgusting things he has said and done in his life, that ranks among the lowest.  Especially when his own mud-brained namesake is CLEARLY doing rails of Colombian Booger Sugar to get him through the day.  Which is probably why he brought it up in the first place.  Trump instinctively projects his misgivings onto his enemies.  Expect Trump to proclaim that Biden wants to bang Ivanka in the next debate.  

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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 7:33am | IP Logged | 7 post reply


My fervent wish is for him to make that deal...have the deal accepted by the government...and have the authorities arrest, charge and jail his ass anyway!   

Let them LIE TO HIS FACE they way he and the GOP have been doing to us.


I think debating John McCain and debating a desperate, mouth frothing Donald Trump are a little bit different.  Don’t you?  

Edited by David Allen Perrin on 30 September 2020 at 7:36am
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 7:47am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

While I think Biden did better last night, the true winners were the white
supremacists, especially the Proud Boys.
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Vinny Valenti
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 7:49am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

True. But still, I suspect that Obama would have kept his cool overall even debating Trump.

I do understand Biden losing his cool, of course. But he did exactly what Trump wanted him to do. 
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James Woodcock
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 8:50am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Debate 1 - most people seem to say that Obama didn't do
too well on his first debate and had to regroup.

As long as Biden regroups, and hits Trump with some
salient points in debates 2 and 3, should be OK.

Trump, I think is going to become more and more unhinged
as we get closer to polling day
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Kevin Brown
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 9:04am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Look, it's simple:  Trump wasn't debating; he was lifting his leg and pissing on democracy last night.

And, NO, he certainly did NOT condemn white supremacists.  Though I wonder why you decided to capitalize it....
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 30 September 2020 at 9:53am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Hmm. Interesting reactions. Now you have to suffer mine... ;)

ITEM: James J.: "You cannot call yourself a Trump supporter and not also be a racist."

But I fear that many of Trump's supporters do exactly that. They are self-deluded, but they don't see themselves as racists. This is a huge problem in our country; so many of Trump's sycophants truly and honestly worship him, and don't know that they're honoring Lucifer. Self-delusional is a key descriptor for Trump voters.

ITEM: I guess there are a lot of Perfect People (tm) in the world who know exactly how the debate should have been moderated. I'm not one of them (God in heaven only KNOWS I'm not perfect! Especially if there's no God in heaven...) The rules were laid out and agreed to before the debate, and all parties involved agreed. Trump was the one who broke every agreement he made... another example of his "sterling" character. I think that Mr. Wallace did everything possible short of losing his temper (and oh, was there reason to!) or taking control of the power to the microphones and literally muting them. Biden slipped once or twice - but Trump must have thought he was tough and cool for doing it almost constantly. Honestly, more than once, Biden had to interrupt back just to defend himself!

ITEM: Trump surely deserves to go to prison. His acts of treason against the USA deserve more. Many people have decided that the President CAN pardon himself. Many others believe otherwise (including a memo from the DoJ in 1974, as I have found with research.)

I really think that this is a matter that must be ruled on by the Supreme Court... perhaps a reason Trump wants to crash Congress and cram his candidate into SCOTUS so soon... so that he can have his majority in time for his trials.

On the gripping hand, I believe that Trump is guilty of so many NON-federal crimes that he's a sure guest in the Steel Bar hotel, soon.

ITEM: About Impeachment - my research indicated, "Impeachment isn't a criminal charge so things like double-jeopardy aren't a consideration" (and thanks Marc B. for the clarification as well.) But Trump is so creative and innovative, he's got LOTS of charges to be brought against him. Perhaps we should see what would happen if the House brought about new Impeachment charges this Friday, 10-2. That would be legal, appropriate, and make things really interesting regarding both the election and the SCOTUS seat.

ITEM: "Will you shut up, man?" "It’s hard to get any word in with this clown." Biden got in some damned good shots at Trump. He did not roll over and show his belly. He stood up and stood proud. But he did NOT lose his cool where Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders might have. He kept his cool and wouldn't be baited into losing his temper.

Mr. Biden was not tenuous, was not pale and placid, was not weary and certainly was not weak. I saw a man who stood his ground when necessary, and talked TO America, not just to the moderator. Did Biden get flustered? Once or twice, he lost his composure - but who the hell wouldn't facing what he did? He seemed ready for 'most everything Trump threw at him - and I thought that no shit stuck to that wall.

And Marc B., I didn't feel that Biden got down to rolling in the muck with Trump. I think he did as good a job as anyone "debating" Trump. He talked calmly, he didn't raise his voice, and again, he talked TO America - not about them to the moderator.

ITEM: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by." And by all means, stand up! Be counted! You'll make a better target that way. I'm sure that there are a lot of jail cells just waiting for them.

Trump will not commit to turning over his taxes, no matter how many judgments call for it. Trump will not commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose (which Mr. Biden absolutely DID). Trump will commit to condemning white supremacists and anit-Nazi groups (including those who act as antifa - you know, those who fight White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis.)

Last night's debate was a national and international embarrassment. That comes entirely from the participants not cooperating, and acting like thugs. It is blatantly obvious that Trump will only perform like a mad dog, doing what HE wants and following the rules HE wants.

I look forward to watching Harris handle Pence next week - IF Pence still agrees to show up. Same for the subsequent two weeks - IF Trump will show up. I suspect that, after last night, he will not agree to any rules at all, and will just refrain from appearing.

That's okay with me. I mean, we already made reservations for the room, we already have the air time set aside, and we already have the cake and sandwiches ordered for the post-debate celebration. I think that whichever candidates appear should get to speak. If only one appears... then what the fuck, they should get 90 minutes to basically be a rally. If Pence and Trump want to stay hope and watch it on TV - it's their choice.

Let the discussion continue! All in all, I enjoy this topic, and I had a wonderful and fun time last night!
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