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Jim Lynch
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 6:30pm | IP Logged | 1  

that nasty excuse for a human being Ann Coulter was on a national show and echoed the idea above, that the teachers should have been armed. More guns is the answer, apparently.
And on a local radio show they say now is not the time for this discussion. If not now, fucking when?
Somebody posted a quote from Ezra Klein that now isn't the time for this discussion, it's far too late. And that's just tragic.  
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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 6:35pm | IP Logged | 2  

I don't know who Ann Coulter is, but for anyone to suggest that, well can't they see how ludicrous and wrong it is?

People don't go into teaching to carry a firearm. They go into teaching to inspire, teach and educate others about the world. They go into teaching to make young people's lives more enriched. Only an idiot would suggest that teachers should be armed.

Cops must carry guns (although very few over here are armed). We accept that the military must carry guns. Fair enough. However, taking Coulter's argument further, should we arm firemen in case they come across arsonists? Should we arm doctors? Should we arm supermarket workers? 

Does Coulter really want to live in a country where teachers are armed? 
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Jim Lynch
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 6:43pm | IP Logged | 3  

Robbie, think of the worst person you've ever met and multiply by a million, and you're not even close to Coulter. She's a best-selling pundit who gets on TV because she says the outrageous shit even Rush Limbaugh wouldn't say.
I have my feelings on gun control in America, and not everybody agrees with me. But arming everyone who might come into contact with a deranged mass murderer cannot possibly be the answer.
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Wilson Mui
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:02pm | IP Logged | 4  

I was glad to hear comments from Obama that he will finally do more on gun control.  He seemed afraid to tackle this issue presumably out of fear it would hurt him during the election.

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Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:17pm | IP Logged | 5  

The MAD approach to gun violence in this country is insane. Most reasonable people define "safety" as being able to go to the grocery store without carrying a gun. Or sending your kids to school where their teachers are not carrying guns.

There are less developed countries where that is the case. Where you are not safe on the streets. Here in the U.S., this imprisonment is self-inflicted and based in paranoia.

As Homer Simpson said, "This gun has made me lose everything... my family, my friends, everything but my precious, precious gun."

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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:45pm | IP Logged | 6  

Years ago, I visited a friend who lived in Overland Park, near Kansas City. One night, I decided to go for a walk. Her and her friends were horrified that I would actually go outside for a walk, at night, by myself. I did it anyway and found it quite peaceful. 

If Overland Park was an inner-city ghetto, I would not have done it but it is an upscale suburb. I was surprised by the fear they had. I never think twice about going for a walk in Vancouver and and here in China, I could probably walk anywhere without fear of attack. You see 10 year old girls by themselves in Shanghai taking taxis. Why is there so much fear in the US? Is it media-driven? Why do they feel that they need to defend themselves all the time?

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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:47pm | IP Logged | 7  

As a father of four, twin kindergartners included, I AM FURIOUS over what this sick and twisted BASTARD did to those CHILDREN.  He will ROAST in Hell for ALL ETERNITY.  The ONLY solace, if there is to be ANY, that I can find in all this is that those twenty precious angels, whose last moments on earth were filled with such TERROR are now safe in the arms of the Lord in Heaven.  Twenty sets of Moms and Dads who tucked their babies into bed last night won't be able to tonight, or ever again.  Moms and Dads suffering in Newtown, WILL see your babies again.  'Til then, my heart aches for you.

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Brennan Voboril
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:49pm | IP Logged | 8  

Apologies if this has been posted but here is a White House petition that calls for action on guns:
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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:50pm | IP Logged | 9  

On an extra note, I was looking up a list of per-capita firearm ownership around the world and no surprise, the US had the highest, with 88 per 100 people. However, there are some other western countries with relatively high numbers (Switzerland - 45, Finland - 32, Canada - 30). What makes these countries so different from the US? Why is there not large firearm incidents in these countries? The US homicide rate per 100,000 is 2.97. Canada is 0.76, Switzerland 0.58. It has to be more than just firearms. 
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Jodi Moisan
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 7:54pm | IP Logged | 10  

The mother of the shooter was a teacher at the school and was armed. Maybe if she wasn't an armed teacher, her son would not have had easy access to the weapons that mowed these innocents down.

Shame on anyone that thinks the answer is more guns, the blood of these kids are on your hands as surely as the shooters. You support that guys ability to get a gun and the ability for any future idiots.

Guns are NOT well regulated.

My neighbor who is a teacher said what they needed was metal detectors, that would have done NOTHING to stop this. Years ago there was a shooter that mowed down kids while they were at recess.
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Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:06pm | IP Logged | 11  

NEIL: However, there are some other western countries with relatively high numbers (Switzerland - 45, Finland - 32, Canada - 30). What makes these countries so different from the US? Why is there not large firearm incidents in these countries? The US homicide rate per 100,000 is 2.97. Canada is 0.76, Switzerland 0.58. It has to be more than just firearms.


SER: Canada's regulation of gun ownership is far more rigorous than the states. There's a 28-day waiting period, including background checks, and safety training is required.

However, all three nations are relatively homogenous culturally speaking. When we discuss gun violence in the United States, the question we should ask is *why* people purchase guns here. There is a great deal of fear at root. And it's not the reasonable fear of someone who lives in a third-world country but the fear of someone in a gated community with an otherwise low crime rate. There are many Americans who feel as if they do live in an occupied or invaded country and the ones doing the invading are the "other."

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Jason Mark Hickok
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:18pm | IP Logged | 12  

Well it is time to really do something. As most know I am conservative but more fiscally than socially. Even with my right leanings these kinds of things are happening at an alarming rate (even one is alarming) and every measure that can be taken should be. 

One of our duties as Americans (any country really), parents, neighbors, etc. is to provide a safe environment for all of society especially the children.

I say make it amazingly difficult to not only buy one but to own one even if you already do. Let's make an effort to rid ourselves of these problems.
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