Posted: 10 August 2024 at 10:31pm | IP Logged | 6
Father and Son starts with a bang as the X-Men seem to be on the verge of annihilation and ends with the latest developments in the Jean Grey subplot. In between, we have a flashback to how the team got into their predicament in their meeting with the Evans family.
I had never read Fantastic Four #203 so I was ignorant of these characters created by Marv Wolfman and Keith Pollard. The acknowledgment to them on page 1 was helpful to many of you in identifying the original appearance of Willy Evans and posting that information for the rest of us. It is also nice to see credit where it is due to Neal Adams.
I got the sense that the X-Men were done for if Xavier had not succeeded in severing the bonds between father and son. When Xavier mentioned that the Fantastic Four had a similar experience, I could not help wondering how they survived without Xavier cutting off the power source for them, as he did for the X-Men. I will have to check out Fantastic Four #203 to see how Wolfman and Pollard resolved that situation.
The pencils in this chapter are highly resolved on some pages and less so on others. In Prototype, the fine detail was more consistent throughout than in this chapter. This may be attributable to the nature of the story being told here, which arguably has more action and fewer quiet moments than the last chapter. John has added a nice touch with additional shading and detail in the quieter moments, when it is appropriate, to add emphasis to certain areas of the artwork. I love the technique used again here on page 3, panel 2, in which Wolverine's movements are depicted with 2 figures in the same panel to show his landing and roll to a standing position. This staging technique has worked effectively in earlier chapters in panels depicting Colossus and Nightcrawler.
This chapter concluded so neatly that I almost forgot about Kurt and Amanda. I am sure that there are also further developments in the Shi'ar Empire which remain to be revealed in future issues. This is great stuff!
Edited by Timothy Ewanyshyn on 10 August 2024 at 10:42pm