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Michael Penn
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:13pm | IP Logged | 1  

Utterly sickened by this.
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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:21pm | IP Logged | 2  

Awful. I think I know what the solutions are to prevent future tragedies (as I'm sure you all do), but it would take the will of your elected representatives to see it through.

What I find distasteful, and I have no idea if it will rear it's ugly head this time, is when, in the past, some people have compared automobile deaths to gun deaths. What they fail to understand is that cars are designed to get a person from one place to another, they are not designed to injure or kill, the fact they do is a tragedy. 

Another argument I've heard in the past is that people need to be armed to protect themselves. Statistically speaking, how many times in a person's life have they been in danger? I was almost attacked by a dog once and someone did attempt to mug me years ago, but that's twice in my whole life where I was in danger - and even though gun laws in Britain are different, I don't think a gun would have made me any safer.

I hope people continue to push the issue with their representatives in Washington. My thoughts are with the families of those children.


I did see one comment about how teachers should be armed within school (it was a comment on a news site). Is that the future some people want? I'd wager people become teachers to educate and inspire children. You know if you join the police force or army that you'll carry a gun - but would you really want to go into teaching to carry a firearm? Carrying a firearm and teaching are mutually exclusive, if you ask me.

Edited by Robbie Parry on 14 December 2012 at 1:26pm
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Joe Smith
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:31pm | IP Logged | 3  

The shooter was the son of the Kindergarten teacher, his mother.
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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:39pm | IP Logged | 4  

…surely when something like this has happened it is completely the right time to be examining why the gun laws are the way they are and trying to find out what can be done to prevent things like this from happening again.


A realy problem lies in the fact that nothing can be done to PREVENT things like this from happening. The best we can hope for is to reduce the incidence (like, how about once every ten years, instead of ten times PER year?).

But, so long as there is even a tiny chance something like this could happen, the gun nuts will be out there defending their "right" to arm themselves to the teeth, and crying their crocodile tears that things like this would not happen if only there were MORE guns.

Because, bottom line, the moment someone thinks having guns is a way to PREVENT violence, they have demonstrated they are idiots, and idiots will always be with us.

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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:42pm | IP Logged | 5  

I did see one comment about how teachers should be armed within school (it was a comment on a news site). Is that the future some people want? I'd wager people become teachers to educate and inspire children. You know if you join the police force or army that you'll carry a gun - but would you really want to go into teaching to carry a firearm? Carrying a firearm and teaching are mutually exclusive, if you ask me.


Right now there are morons out there whose microscopic penises are getting hard at the thought of arming EVERYBODY, so that they can have a chance to justify their worthless lives by charging into a situation like this and killing the would-be killers. Heroes to the community!

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Leigh DJ Hunt
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:43pm | IP Logged | 6  

He had already killed his father. Maybe 30 dead now and maybe over 20 of them children.
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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 1:45pm | IP Logged | 7  

Right now there are morons out there whose microscopic penises are getting hard at the thought of arming EVERYBODY, so that they can have a chance to justify their worthless lives by charging into a situation like this and killing the would-be killers. Heroes to the community!


That explains it. The comments (about half a dozen) were attacking liberals and saying now isn't the time for gun control. There were comments on this news feed about arming teachers and giving people more guns.

Are they really that stupid? Or do they really know that they're speaking rubbish, but choose to convince themselves they are right?
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Anthony Vitrano
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 2:16pm | IP Logged | 8  

Horrifying.  Absolutely heartbreaking, wrenching.  Another senseless nightmare that defies comprehension.   I feel so sad for the parents of the lost children.  As a father of two I can guess at the horror and anguish they're feeling right now, and no apologies or new laws will ever take that away.

JB- agree with you on your points. I just keep hoping against hope that something this horrendous could be a catalyst for change- but I don't think you're wrong, sadly.

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Steven Legge
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 2:19pm | IP Logged | 9  

All my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Newtown.

Edited by Steven Legge on 14 December 2012 at 5:22pm
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Leigh DJ Hunt
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 2:21pm | IP Logged | 10  

Obama just gave a very powerful speech. Hope he can use this grief and anger to bring about change.
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Anthony Vitrano
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 2:24pm | IP Logged | 11  

Just saw this on NY Daily News website- the shooter used a .223 assault rifle "made for combat".  Available legally.  Madness. ade-combat-weapon-article-1.1220431

Edited by Anthony Vitrano on 14 December 2012 at 2:26pm
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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 2:38pm | IP Logged | 12  

I was listening to local talk radio here in Detroit discussing Michigan's new expanded conceal/carry gun legislation that was just proposed. Far too many callers made the comment that we would all be 'safer' if average people in midst of the public were carrying a gun.  The logic being that when some guy decides he need to relieve you of your wallet and watch, you can 'defend yourself' or if you are lucky some gun toting citzen can do it for you. Too many callers went on and on about the fear of being a victim.  So for them a carrying a gun was the logical answer.  Bullshit.  The REAL answer is to take STRONG measures to CURE the causes of poverty and ignorance, and to find the best possible ways to deal with mental illness, present the legislation required and make laws to do the work. 

Until this country can shake off it "I got mine, fuck you" approach to damnned near everything we are going to continue to bury innocent people due to gun violence.  Lets stop going out of our way to make sure that people who start with nothing stay that way.  Lets stop going out of our way to cut corners ($$$) on the systems that care for people who can't care for themselves.  You sick of crime in the inner city?  Me too.  In my opinion he BEST answer would be to create a generation of inner city people who are employed and educated.  People with a future to protect tend to behave themselves and not rely on crime and violence to get by. Tired of nutjobs shooting up schools? How about we get serious about mental health care and pour our resources into finding and caring for people who need the help.  

Granted, we won't eliminate ALL the crime and ALL the nutjobs, but damn if I wouldn't be happy seeing it reduced by some measurable number due to such measures instead of hearing about more and more people arming themselves to cope with how our society is changing.  

Edited by David Allen Perrin on 14 December 2012 at 2:40pm
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